The Purpose/Goals


About Crossroads

The Vision

The Purpose/Goals

The Lessons



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Purpose of Ministry and Goals

The goals of the group will be centered on:

    1. Creating an Edifying Fellowship/support group:

    2. The group will assume that each member is going through the similar doubts, experiences, and learning processes. The initial meetings will work towards building a community of grace. One in which the group members will become comfortable with sharing and praying for each others hopes, dreams, and struggles in light of the God’s promises.

    3. We want to make sure that we cultivate any existing serving experience they already have and get them involved in the inner workings of the group as much as possible. (I.e. Praise Leading, Event coordination, Service/Outreach opportunities).

    4. Some of the Practical items that will covered include:

        • Understanding the transition they are going through

        • Finding God’s purpose in their Work/Vocation

        • Learn Christian Financial Stewardship

    5. Integration into the church:

    6. While in a sense we are "incubating" the members, the goal is not to keep them clumped together. We want to purposefully introduce them to the various ministries and to other older brothers and sisters in the church. That way, after the year is done, they can be active and integrated members of the regular church body.

    7. Armed with a list of all the ministries out there and who the leaders are, we can get an idea of what those ministries are looking for, and the type of people that could fit in there. In one of the Modules, the group will takes the Spiritual Gifts assessment, with the hope to get them serving or at least thinking about serving in some capacity as soon as possible.

    8. Secondly, we will proactively try to get them introduced to the other small groups. Since we are meeting during the week, maybe we could “visit” other small groups in an informal way from time to time, or during fellowship activities.

    9. Only one Year in Crossroads:

    10. It is important to note that the focus will still be to get the members integrated into and become active servants in other ministries at our church. Here are the main reasons why:

        • If they stay in Crossroads, we are not really helping them transition, but delaying it.

        • If they do not “get out there” and try to complete the transition, what will they really have to share with the next group? In essence, unless they complete the transition, they will have less credibility in helping others do the same.

        • As they serve in other ministries, they will become our contact points to help future Crossroaders get integrated with the church.


After “graduating” from this small group, it is the hope of the leadership that the members:

    1. Find at least one partner from the group with whom they will continue meeting.

    2. In partnership, join a regular church small group where they can continue to grow.

    3. In partnership, find a place to use their gifts and time to serve God’s purposes.