The Lessons


About Crossroads

The Vision

The Purpose/Goals

The Lessons


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The Modules

Overall, the study consists of 19 lessons, categorized into 5 modules:

Module I - Transitioning to the Real World

1. Expectations and Assumptions

2. The Danger of Transitions

Module II – God’s Plan in your Vocation

3. Myths about Secular Work

4. Being Kingdom Focused in our Jobs

Module III – Finding Community and Involvement at Church

5. Defining Community

6. Finding Community and Church Membership

- Group Wide Community Outreach Project

7. Church Involvement And Spiritual Gifts

8. Defining Ministry and Opportunities at Your Church

Module IV - Biblical Financial Stewardship

9. A Centered Lifestyle and using our Resources

10. The Dark Side of Money

11. Practical Financial Information

12. Giving (From Crown)

13. Debt (From Crown)

14. Investing (From Crown)

Supplemental Study (Based on Article by Tim Kellar)

15. Singleness, Marriage, Family (Part 1)

16. Singleness, Marriage, Family + Q&A (Part 2)

Module VI - Living out a Victorious Life

17. God’s Will

18. The Testimony of Your Life

19. Running Your Race Faithfully

The Materials

The lessons and materials are comprised mainly from pulling together lessons from the following texts:

Following Jesus in the “Real World” – Richard Lamb

70% of the lesson materials are a study guide based on this book by Richard Lamb. Each member will have to purchase and read it.

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Crown Financial Ministries (

3 of the lessons come from the Crown Biblical Financial Stewardship program. We highly recommend the full 10-week Small Group program to anyone who has a chance to partake in it.

Self-Prepared Materials and Handouts

25% of the lessons are completely written by the Crossroads staff and are distributed to small group registrants and leaders.

The Challenge of a Simplistic Life – Richard Foster

While only 1 lesson is structured around this book, it is also listed our Amazon Affiliate Store.

Various internet articles

Ministry Package

After offering this small group for 10+ years, we have created templates and processes that help us facilitate the groups without re-inventing the wheel. Some of those include:

    1. Administrative Templates

    2. - A schedule/calendar outlining the module and the year (with built in breaks)

    3. - Email Templates for Weekly announcements / Welcome.

    4. - A prep-script for your first meeting

    5. Lessons and Leader's Guides

    6. - The Leader's Guide to each of the 19 lessons.

    7. - Supplemental Articles that helped us as leaders.

    8. Evaluation Templates

    9. - Evaluations for your Members to complete at the end of the year.

    10. - Evaluations for your Leaders to complete at the end of the year.

    11. - Evaluations for your "graduates" AFTER they have been "out there" for a year.

    12. Web Services

    13. We are still putting this together, and this website is the first part of the offering. We are hoping to use this engine to:

    14. - Provide Group specific sites for the Crossroads Groups (instead of using yahoo groups, google groups, etc.)

    15. - Use those sites to provide mailing lists, calendaring, and access to the materials automatically.

    16. - Provide collaboration and blogs for leaders to share their experiences and lessons learned.

    17. - and who knows what else!

Our hope is to get all the permissions we need to be able to share our materials with you. We are hoping that the cost of up-keep for this site and its tools will be covered by the Amazon Affiliate Store. We receive 6% of the proceeds of any books purchased through that link.